A Lesson on Leadership

I am sure there will probably be a part two to this post but this is what I've been learning so far. This crisis has taught me a lot of valuable lessons about leadership. I am in no means a leadership guru, I'm just learning as I go. And for those reading this who may not know, I run an NGO here in Barbados.

1. God's Guidance
My first lesson is the importance of being led by God. The best way to lead others is to follow God as they follow you. This becomes critical in a crisis like the one we are in now. It also means that the leader must be obedient even when the instruction may not seem logical. We know that God is not concerned with logic lol. Before Barbados recorded its first COVID-19 case, God gave me specific instructions about preparing our clients for the impending island-wide shutdown. We began to prepare over the subsequent two days and encouraged the clients to do the same. So when everything began to unfold we did not have to panic or scramble because we were prepared.

2. Support and Assurance

The second lesson I learnt was how critical a leader is in a time like this. Whenever I hear the Hon Mia Mottley speak and update the country on what is happening there is a calm in her voice that reassures us that we will be okay. Even though we don't know how things will turn out we feel confident with her as our leader. I'm sure there are times when she may doubt or be unsure of a decision but she does not show it. Her confidence comforts us. Similarly I realised that some of the clients looked to us for answers or assurance during this time. A practical step we took was to create a COVID-19 WhatsApp chat that we used to update them on accurate information and to address any concerns that they may have as things unfold. I also try my best to be a source of calm, level-headed support during this time even when I too feel anxious about the outcome.

3. Sacrifice & Servanthood
Any leader already knows that being a leader is not a glorified position where you are upfront with people serving you.. or at least, it should not be.  Leadership is very much about serving the ones that you lead. And this calls for sacrifice especially in an environment like the one we are in now. The extent of that sacrifice became a little more real to me during this crisis. My instinct is to stay at home and never leave until this is all gone but when duty calls, we have to respond. The needs of those that you lead take priority over your own comfort. It requires doing things you would rather not do, going places you would rather not go, and putting others before yourself.

I'm thankful for this crazy journey God has called me on called leadership. I'm thankful for the valuable lessons I am learning in this crazy time in history. And I look forward to all the lessons I will continue to learn.


  1. Leadership is indeed a journey, it has a tendency of revealing things about ourselves that we might not have realized and strengthening ones overall character. It is not a job to be taken lightly and as Godly leaders we need to make sure our heart is sincere in seeking after God as you said. Once the heart is in the right place, we are then guided according to his will (not ours) which enables us to provide that support and reassurance (through his Holy Spirit) when needed which ultimately allows you to serve.

    Part 2 should be interesting.


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