The Power of Community

It takes a village to raise a child but it also takes that village to get through life.

Yesterday, my friend and I hosted a support group. We wanted to create a virtual space for anyone to come and chat and share how COVID-19 had been affecting them and to receive some encouragement. As we chatted with these ladies, there were two common similarities. These were: the goodness of God and the power of having a community. All of us expressed how pivotal our partners, families and friends were in helping us to get through the difficult times in this pandemic. Our communities provided where there was lack, prayed for us, gave us words of encouragement and assisted in any possible way. This really showed me that we really cannot do life alone.

 The importance of a community was also reinforced for me today when I made an appeal on behalf of the charity with which I am associated. In less than 15 minutes we raised $1,750! I was blown away. Had we not reached out to others, it would have been more difficult to handle the load on our own. However, with the joint efforts of others, we raised all the money that was needed! Throughout this pandemic I’ve also seen persons come together in ways I haven’t before. People seem to be more caring or perhaps COVID has reminded us that we ought to look out for others.

 Today, I also got an unexpected call from my brother, Dean Squires. We’ve connected for Kingdom work many times over the years. But, this call was not about a partnership, it was just a check-in. Dean was calling to make sure I wasn’t overwhelmed with work and COVID. As we chatted, I smiled as I thought about this blog post I was about to write and how this was yet another example of community.

 If you have extra, share. When a friend or family members crosses your mind, check in on them. When someone is overwhelmed, give them an uplifting word. 

We got this.. together!


  1. Very important. Having a like minded community represents what God is about; helping, loving, sharing and caring for one another. The randon check ins really have an impact. It's been something I've been working on, shouting friends as they pop in my mind.


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